What we do

Delivering professional and reliable computer services

We provide local, professional expertise in laptop & desktop computer services and maintenance, fault diagnosis, virus & spyware removal, data & password recovery and other computer support services to home users within the Liverpool areas of Merseyside.In addition to this, we have recently added Web Design for small business including hosting services.

Leave message on our Contact/Facebook page and we will get back you for FREE!

Furthermore,We provide technical assistance to personal computer users. Answer questions or resolve computer problems for clients in person, via telephone including hardware & Software installation.


The Great ITSolutions Services mission is to provide our customers with high quality Standard Service; fast, friendly, and knowledgeable computer repair throughout Liverpool Area.

Complete PC and Laptop Support Solutions, Network installation and Web Design for small business

520+ Domain Names Registered

25+ WebSites Hosted

650+ Customers

Why Choose Us?

Reliability, Speed and Security
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Responsive Design
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Easy Knowledge Base
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Free Web Tools & Applications
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24/7 Award Winning Support
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Free Updates Lifetime
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